2008년 3월 4일 화요일

Entry #3

* What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in
any way? Why?

The mood of this novel is more frightening and grim rather than sad. This book enlightens readers of how simple matters like the loss of mankind’s sight could turn the world’s stability upside down. The novel suggests that social issues, philosophies on life, and ways of life we are accustomed to would be no longer existent in a dystopian world, making the path to savagery the easiest one for mankind. The main character Bill feels this mood immensely as he slowly realizes these opinions becoming reality. Bill’s thoughts brought me to an imaginative world where all that we knew of as being part of the human experience was gone.
Would we be so different from savages? Could the “mighty” human race fail so easily? The more I thought, the more frightened I felt about the possibilities of this dystopian world.

Above all, this book’s mood made me look at mankind coldly, without all the morals and aspects of being human. The brave and unabashed display of ideas in this dystopian world gave the book’s mood its strut of grim, scaring realization. I was somewhat surprised at this point-of-
view. It was almost as if I was examining something that was not what I was, something alien. Was this how mankind should really be looked upon? Is what we see in all our “human experience” just bias? If we were in the situation of those in the book, would we become savages or persist as civilized human being? I do not know. The mood that comes with these strings of ideas definitely has a frightening tone.

1 개의 댓글:

breaxion :

I agree with you on the general idea, James, especially how you said the moods of this novel made you look at mankind with cold, judging eyes. But I think there are a lot more significant moods in this novel than just 'grim'. If you specified the several main moods this novel seemed to have in singular words, I think you blog will see much improvement.
But other than that, you blog is amazing!

Just some opinions from Brian.