2008년 3월 4일 화요일

Entry #5

* Are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be
beautiful? Rr disturbing? Or memorable? Describe these settings and
comment on why they were meaningful to you.

There were many settings in the course of these novel that shot diverse, vivid images into my mind. However there is one specific setting that is engraved in my memory, the settings of cities in chaos. The novel describes the cities as quiet places dotted with blind people wondering like zombies and triffids stinging them at will. These scenes were most disturbing. When I imagined that I was one of the blind people wondering in fear with no clue where I was going, I felt deep sympathy for the blind.
This was not only because of there disability but because of the circumstances in the novel. With all that was known to be a “normal world” diminished, the blind would be easy prey for the stealth triffids. It was a position I would not like to be in.

Another reason these settings were memorable was their application to life as a metaphor. “Walking blindly in a chaotic city dotted with hungry triffids” is this metaphor that represents a person lost in life, wondering aimlessly to meet life’s obstacles. In other words, it means that one who is living life aimlessly is like a blind man in a city full of triffids. I felt a strong connection between this metaphor and a passage from scripture Matthew 11:5 “The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor.” My metaphor can be applied in a spiritual matter as well. Preaching the good news frees spiritual disabilities in life like Jesus says in the verse which is to be fulfilled by Him. I guess that’s what being a Christian is. You believe Jesus has taken away these disabilities(sins) in your life, and you live a life free from sin, free from Satan’s invisible cord of sin tied around your neck. Another thing I realized as I wrote this connection down is the role Christians in this world. In the novel, there are a few sighted people. Some decide to live for themselves while others devote their time to take care of as many blind people possible. The sighted people are
Christians and we are not to take care of but help the blinded get rid of their blindness.

1 개의 댓글:

breaxion :

I never thought of relating the image of the chaotic cities, the blind people, and the triffids with life in general. But now that you clarify the link between them, it makes sense. I mean, when you think about it, the majority of the world's populatio today, including you and I, are wandering aimlessly, like the blind people of the novel. It's only a very miniscule portion of the population who actually strive to achieve the one true thing—God.

However, I have to disagree with you in how you said that the christians are metaphorically correspondent to the sighted people in the novel.
There are christians in the world, in fact many of them, who act in total contrast to christian beliefs. I think that in the novel, these people are equivalent to the people with sight, who have failed to awaken to the truth. One example of such character in the book is Mr. Torrence. Even after the disaster, he still strives to return to the inapropriate ways of the past society.

Brian's thoughts.